Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We Need Your Help!

Hello again!!! Not only is this your new update, this is our HUGE CRY FOR HELP! We've had so many people say they want to participate in the game but say they have nothing to trade. But when you really sit down and think about it, this isn't true. Through Invisible Children we are realizing how much people have in their lives to give.

In order to make One Red Bracelet a success we need for you to think of creative ways to give what you have. Have you guys checked out the One Red Paper Clip site? His success was made possible through people's creative trades- a vintage doorknob to an all-expense paid trip to Yahk.

We are asking for your TIME and CREATIVITY. Take advantage of the resources around you and any connections you may have. Tell those people about the project and ask them if they might have something to trade. If you feel like you can't contribute material objects, donate your time. Take the time to tell people about One Red Bracelet in creative ways:
-tell the local news, your college campus paper, blimp factories, chalk the sidewalks, write it on bathroom stalls, tattoo it on your forehead, carve it in the wet cement of new sidewalks...do WHATEVER it takes to get the message out and become part of the movement that has already begun.

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